Formerly The Green House by the Sea

Embrace Life Abroad
Your Hub For All Things Foreign
Inspiring others to explore our world and realize their dreams of living abroad.

At Foreign Hub...
We embrace globalization, interconnectivity, and multiculturalism. It is the way of the future. Travel and life abroad are becoming the new norm and a fulfilling way of life for many.
Foreign Hub is your permission slip to a life on your terms. There is a whole wide world out there; why not experience it?
Learn how to purchase or build a home in a foreign country, start a new remote career, and tackle the challenges of life in a new land.
Explore the Belize Foreigner Blog, the Foreign Radio Podcast, and The Foreign Perspective on Substack.
Enrich yourself with travel and life outside the ordinary. It’s never been easier than now to explore what our world offers.
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